Sunday, November 11, 2007

Note to Linda S.: Write On, Girl!

I chatted with a waitress/server named Linda this past weekend during my stay at the Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center in Suffolk (lovely hotel, by the way...would most definitely stay there again...I'll take Room 508 again). I was eating breakfast alone and reading a Mary Higgins Clark mystery when the young woman approached to see if I needed anything. She must've asked what I was reading. Somehow, that lead to the subject of writing (as it almost always does with me). She excitedly admitted that she'd always had a desire to write a book.

You know me.

I encouraged her to get to it. I know nothing of her writing ability, of course, because I'd only just met her. But that was neither here nor there. The point was and is that she wants to write. There are stories running through her head. Stories she wants to share. Stories that can only be told the way Linda herself can tell them.

So, Linda, here's my note to you: write on, girl! No matter what people (including/especially family) may say or do to discourage you, don't let it kill your dream. You have a book in you? Put pen to paper and let the words flow.

P.S. I told you that you'd inspire me! I went upstairs to my room and wrote all day long. Your excitement became mine, and I owe you much appreciation.

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