Friday, March 03, 2006

And So I Wait...

I'm gonna leave Hollywood alone.

See, I've had a script at a MAJOR (and I do mean MAJOR) production company for a few months now. My agent has been working diligently, doing her thing, taking meetings, making phone calls. And we're now at the point where they're trying to attach actors to the project, which will determine whether or not they will buy the script and move forward.

My nerves are wrecked.

I'm trying to keep my mind off of it. I'm trying to focus on those projects that I can control. Like the Reggie Brown series. And The Brownstone. And K My Name Is Kendra, which I'm writing for our impressionable teenage sisters (because I think they're being ignored literarily). And The Micness because The Brownstone release date keeps changing from week to week and I feel like I need to put something out there so people don't peg me as just a children's book author (and there is not a thing wrong with that, but I'm just sayin'...) and ignore all my other work.

But I can't help but think about this script. The waiting...oh, the waiting. I just can't take it! How do screenwriters do this project after project??

So I've decided...if they do end up buying this script, I'm gonna count my blessings, cash my check, and then I'm done with Hollywood. Period.

Then again, I do have this other completed script...and then there's still my file of incomplete movie treatments and storylines ready to be pitched at a moment's notice...


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